Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Menjadi Tentor TOEFL di FT Unnes

Semarang, 18 Maret 2016

Ini merupakan kali pertama saya menjadi tentor untuk bidang bahasa inggris. jika berkenaan dengan ilmu sains dan matematika saya sudah sering berbagi ilmu dengan banyak khalayak, siswa, santri, mahasiswa dan dosen. akan tetapi kali ini merupakan awal untuk memulai langkah baru dan insyaAllah akan lebih bermanfaat baik bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain, Amiinn. 
bagi saya kesempatan ini tidak akan saya sia-siakan. saya akan berusaha seoptimal mungkin menunjukkankepada khalayak bahwa saya mampu, mampu dalam untuk bebicara dalam bahasa inggris, mampu menuliskan satu atau dua kalimat dengan struktur yang benar dalam bahasa inggris.
saya berdoa kepada Allah SWT, Tuhan semesta alam, Pemberi ruh dalam raga ini agar memudahkan jalannya pembelajaran TOEFL preparasi yang kali pertama ini membahas tentang Problems with Nouns. dengan berbekal doa dan usaha, InsyaAllah acara yang nanti InsyaAllah akan terlaksana pada sore ini pukul 16.00 WIB di gedung E2 207 dapat berjalan dengan baik, lancar dan membawa berkah fid dini wad dunya hattal akhiroh, amiiinnn ^_^

adapun materi yang sudah saya siapkan adalah sebagfai berikut.
EXERCISE 39 : Use the correct singular and plular noun
1.       The automotive shop shocked many parts for the various types of Hondas.
2.       Every receipt must be removed from the cashier’s drawer and tallied
3.       The salesclerk demonstrated various additional way that the macine could be used
4.       The woman found it difficult to believe that both of the piece of jewelry had dissapeared
5.       The unhappy man became more and more discouraged with each passing days
6.       An extended cruise would be a nice way to spend a vacation one days
7.       The manager was surprised that not a single worker was available on Tuesday
8.       The housekeeper cleaned the room and took two of the occupant’s dress to the laundry
9.       When the first bill was defeated, the senate immediately began to work on a different bill
10.   There were several boxes in the cup board, and each box contained a dozen glasses

EXERCISE 40 : Distinguish countable and uncountable noun
1.       He received little notice that the bill would have to be paid in full
2.       The police had few opportunities to catch the thief who had committed a large  amount of crimes
3.       You will have fewer problems with your income taxes if you get professional help
4.       After the strike, the company dismissed many employees
5.       Because the bottom corner of the pocket was torn, much coins fell out
6.       Since he bought the new adapter, he has had less trouble with the machine
7.       There are much new items to purchase before leaving, and there is such a short amount of time
8.       The less time you take on the assignment, the less pages you will complete
9.       A few soldiers who had been in heavy combat were brought back for a little rest
10.   It is better to go shopping in the late evening because there are less people in the market, and you can accomplish a number of tasks in a short period time

EXERCISE 41 : Recognize irregular plulars of nouns
1.       Parentheses is needed around that expression
2.       He wants to go on a fishing trip this weekend because he has heard that the fish are running
3.       The syllabi for the course is included in the packet of materials
4.       The diagnosis that he heard today were not very possitive
5.       The crisis is not going to be resolved until some of pressure is releaved
6.       All of the alumni are attending the reception at the president’s house
7.       A flock of geese were seen heading south for winter
8.       The teeth in the back of his mouth needs to be capped
9.       The fungi has spread throughout the garden
10.   The sheepdog is chasing after the sheep which are heading over the hill

EXERCISE 42 : Distinguish the person from the thing
1.       In the evening he relaxes in front of the fire and write long poets.
2.       Service in the restaurant was slow because one cook had called in sick
3.       The sculpture worked from sunrise until sunset on his new project
4.       She has received several awards for her research in engineer
5.       The economist’s radical views were printed in a column in the Sunday newspaper
6.       You must have remarkable looks to work as a model for for Vogue
7.       He had several critics to offer about the new play
8.       The gardener worked feverishly after the frost to save as many plants as possible
9.       The company hired a statistic to prepare marketing studies for new product
10.   The famous acting has appeared in more than fifty Broadway plays