Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

Training ke Ikahimbi an di Biologi Unnes

Sesi Perkenalan sebelum Openinf ceremony dimulai,
Ayo kuning warna warni

Training ke Ikahimbi an pada tahun ini dilaksanakan di Unnes, selama 2 hari tanggal 9-10 Juni 2012. Acara berjalan sesuai yang dikehendaki dengan diikuti dari berbagai PT se Jawa Jogja atau biasa disebut Ikahimbi Wilayah Kerja IV. PT yang menghadiri kegiatan tersebut adalah Unnes (Universitas Negeri Semarang) selaku tuan rumah kegiatan ini, Undip (Universitas Diponegoro), IKIP PGRI Semarang, IAIN Walisongo, UMS ()Universitas Muhammadiyah Solo, UMP (Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto), UNY (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta), UIN Jogja, UGM dengan menghadirkan tamu undangan Pengurus Pusat Ikahimbi.

Euro 2012

Bagaikan Kakak Adik ya..

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

The Last Episode of Looking For Dentalium

Hello all of my friends, still hear me? Let’s me tell you about my tragic adventure. It happpens on Wednesday, Pebruary 1st. It’s beginning when Dentalium is losing around all of my friends in the Biology Laboratory. Do you know what’s happen after that? All of teachers and laboratory assistant anger with us. One of them exactly my lecturer of this lesson instruct us to find this species back if we don’t want to get E result...
Looking for Species replacing Dentalium in beachbank of Kartini Beach, it's so Fun
I and my friends have been threetimes to look for this species from fish market, beach of Tambak lorog, Johar Market and the last one is looking for it untill Kartini Beach Jepara. It’s amazing and need to spend much energy.